
Basic Electronics: Devices & Circuits

Basic Electronics: Devices & Circuits

Author : M L Anand

(0 Reviews)
  • ISBN : 9789385676321
  • Pages : 920
  • Binding : Paperback
  • Language : English
  • Imprint : S Chand Publishing
  • © year : 2019
  • Size : 6.75 X 9.5

Price : 650.00 520.00

For close to 20 years, Basic Electronics: Devices and Circuits has provided fundamental knowledge of the subject to all students of Electrical, Electronics, Communications and Computer Science Engineering. Each chapter focuses on the core concepts and clearly elucidate the fundamental principles, methods and circuits involved in electronics.

• New chapters on "Time Base Circuits", "Digital Electronics & Microprocessors" and "Transducers" have been added for the readers interested in knowing about latest developments in the fields.
• Rich Pedagogy:
1000+ figures aid to the concepts explained.
Close to 2000 Review, Objective and Short Questions with Answers provide comprehensive practice of all topics.
• Book-end solved and unsolved numerical problems taken from previous examinations have been given to make student familiar with the exam pattern.

1. Basic Concepts, 2. Electronic Materials and Components, 3. Constant Voltage and Constant current Sources, 4. Electron Emission, 5. Vacuum Tubes, 6. Gas-filled Tubes, 7. Semiconductor Physics, 8. Semiconductor Diode and Rectifiers Including Vacuum Tube Rectifiers, 9. Zener and Special Purpose Diodes, 10. Bipolar or Bijunction Transistors, 11. Transistor Biasing and Thermal Stabilization, 12. Single Stage (Small Signal) Transistor Amplifiers and Hybrid Parameters, 13. Multistage Transistor Amplifiers, 14. Large Signal Amplifiers [Audio and Video Power Amplifiers], 15. Tuned Voltage Amplifiers, 16. Vacuum Tube Amplifiers, 17. Feedback Theory, 18. Sinusoidal Oscillators, 19. Switching & Wave shaping Circuits and Non-sinusoidal Oscillators, 20. Regulated D.C. Power Supply and Special Supplies, 21. Field Effect Transistors, 22. Thyristors and UJT, 23. Integrated Circuits, 24. Operational Amplifiers (Op-Amps), 25. Timer IC, 26. Modulation and Demodulation, 27. Electronic Instrumentation, 28. Optoelectronic (Optical) Devices, 29. Time Base or Sweep Circuits, 30. Phase Locked Loop (PLL) and Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO), 31. Introduction to Digital Electronics and Microprocessors, 32. Transducers, 33. Cellular and Mobile Communication System • Additional Solved and Unsolved Numerical Problems • Appendices • Glossary • Index

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