Author : Amrita Rai & Richa Jain
Price : 440.00 352.00
For B.E./B.Tech students of all Technical Universities. Microelectronics/VLSI Design is an emerging subject in the field of electronics in recent years. It is an introductory source to internal parts of electronics at minute level. This book is covering CMOS Design from a digital system level to circuit level and providing a background in CMOS Processing Technology. The book includes basic theortical knowledge as well as good engineering practice. This book is recommended for B.Tech., M.Tech. and diploma students of all Indian Universities and also useful for competitive examinations.
1. Review and Introduction to MOS Technology
2. MOS Transistor: Basics and Fabrication
3. MOS Transistor Theory
4. MOS Inverter: Static and Switching Characteristics
5. MOS Circuits and Logic Design
6. Circuit Characterisation and Performance Estimation
7. VLSI Fabrication
8. Combinational and Sequential MOS Logic Circuits
9. Programmable Logic Devices
10. Semiconductor Memories
11. Design Example using CMOS
12. CMOS Testing
•; University Question Papers
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