This textbook has been designed to provide a single source of information for Engineering undergraduates of different specialization and provide them a solid foundation in Physics. The book meets with the requirements of undergraduate students of Physics and aptly covers the important topics such as Coulomb's Law, Principle of Superposition, Gauss' Law of Electrostatics in Free Space, Biot-Savart, Ampere's, and Gauss's Law, Maxwell's Wave Equations for Free Space, Wave Propagation in a Lossy Medium, Sound: Classification, Characteristics of Musical Sound, Reverberation Theory, Heat Conduction through Compound Media, Thermal Conductivity, Law of Conservation of Energy, Laws of Thermodynamics, Wiedemann-Franz Law, Energy Band Diagram, Semiconductors, Solid State Diodes, Dielectric and Magnetic Materials, Modern Engineering Materials, Nanotechnology, and well described the topic Liquid Crystals etc.