Author : S.P. Sharma & Dr. Ajaya Baboo
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Chemistry is the most delicate limb of our so-called mother "Science". The experimentation in Chemistry is the only outcome and development of the unifying principles, produced through laboratory process. Once we become familiar with these widely applicable and recognised principles, there remains no longer any need for endless memorisation of innumerable chemical facts. ISC Practical Chemistry Class XII has been thoroughly revised as per the latest syllabus for ISC prescribed by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE), New Delhi.
• Written strictly as per the latest syllabus
• Very easy approach to each topic with easily understandable explanations
• Emphasis is given on precision, keen observations, critical thinking and
application of knowledge in a new situation
• Seventeen Appendices have been added at the end of the book to help
students prepare for examinations
• Each experiment is accompanied by suitable illustrations and diagrams
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