
S Chand's Health and Physical Education, Class 10

S Chand's Health and Physical Education, Class 10

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This book is a valuable resource for class IX students of CBSE stream to understand the subject of physical education from exam
point of view as well as to improve their overall well-being. It covers a wide range of essential topics, including communicable
diseases, physical fitness, physical education, yoga and personality development, etc. By delving into these areas, the book
provides readers with the knowledge and tools necessary to make informed decisions about their health and contribute to a
healthier community.

• Multi-Coloured Edition: A visually engaging edition featuring illustrations, tables, and flowcharts to ensure easy comprehension of concepts.
• Latest CBSE Syllabus: Structured to align with the current CBSE syllabus.
• NCF-Based Approach: Designed around the NCF, which connects learning with real-life experiences, making the curriculum more relatable and practical for students.
• Extensive Topic Coverage: All topics are covered comprehensively, with additional sections like interesting facts, warm-up activities, and references to supplement the core material.
• Aligned with NEP: Reflects the principles of the NEP, emphasising creativity, life skills, and a holistic educational experience.
• Inspirational Appendix: Includes a special appendix showcasing the last five years' category-wise list of awardees, aimed at inspiring students with real-life examples of achievement.
• Latest Exercise Patterns: Exercises in accordance with the latest syllabus, incorporating MCQs, reason-assertion, short and long answer questions, and case-based questions to enhance practice and preparation.

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