
Zoology For B.Sc. Students Semester III: MJC-3 | MJC-4 | Comparative Anatomy | Physiology - NEP 2020 Bihar

Zoology For B.Sc. Students Semester III: MJC-3 | MJC-4 | Comparative Anatomy | Physiology - NEP 2020 Bihar

Author : VK Agarwal

(0 Reviews)
  • ISBN : 9789364686556
  • Pages : 720
  • Binding : Paperback
  • Language : English
  • Imprint : S Chand Publishing
  • © year : 2025
  • Size : 6.50*9.25

Price : 575.00 460.00

This textbook has been designed to meet the needs of B.Sc. Third Semester students of Zoology for Patna University and other Universities in Bihar under the recommended National Education Policy 2020. It comprehensively covers theory and practical papers, namely, 'MJC 3: Comparative Anatomy' and 'MJC 4: Physiology'. The theory part of Comparative Anatomy discusses the comparative account of the different vertebrate systems, evolution of brain, sense organs and excretory organs to a complex, highly evolved form in mammals. The students will learn the evolution of heart, structure of respiratory organs used in aquatic, terrestrial and aerial vertebrates, digestive system and its anatomical specializations according to different diets and feeding habits. The theory part of Physiology discusses the normal biological functions and interaction of various organ systems in the overall functioning of the human body. The book explains how all the physiological systems work in unison to maintain homeostasis in the body.

Relevant experiments corresponding to the theoretical topics and examples have been presented systematically to help students achieve sound conceptual understanding and learn experimental procedures.

  • More than 150 well-labelled diagrams have been provided for easy understanding of the concepts
  • Boxed items throughout the text providing information on intricate terms and topics
  • Engaging chapter-end exercises have been provided for practice
  • Collection of experiments to stimulate interest and aid in learning and memorizing the practical aspect of the subject


1: Concepts of Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy
2: Integumentary System
3: Skeletal System
4: Digestive System
5: Respiratory System
C6: Circulatory System
7: Urinogenital System
8: Nervous System


1: Introduction to Animal Physiology
2: Physiology of Digestion
3: Neuromuscular Physiology: Nervous System
4: Skeletal Muscles: Physiology of Muscular System
5: Respiratory Physiology
6: Cardiovascular System
7: Excretion
8: Endocrine Glands 
9: Reproductive Physiology



1: Study of Fish Scales (Through Permanent Slides)
2: Study of Afferent Branchial Vessels of Scoliodon through Videos/Models
3: Study of Efferent Branchial Vessels of Scoliodon
4: External Feature for Frog
5: General Anatomy of Frog
6: Study of Digestive System of Frog
7: External Features of Rat (Rattus Rattus)
8: General Anatomy of Rat (Rattus Rattus)
9: Digestive System of Rat
10: Skeleton of Frog
11: Skeleton of Varanus
12: Skeleton of Fowl
13: Skeleton of Rabbit
Viva Voce


1: Enumeration of Red Blood Cells (RBCs) By Haemocytometer
2: Enumeration of White Blood Cells (WBCs) By Haemocytometer
3: Determination of Crythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) of blood
4: Estimation of Haemoglobin by Haemometer
5: Mammalian Oesophagus
6: Mammalian Stomach
7: Mammalian Duodenum
8: Mammalian Ileum
9: Mammalian Rectum
10: T.S. of Liver of a Mammal
11: T.S. of Oancreas of a Mammal
12: T.S. Mammalian Trachea
13: Mammalian Lung
14: Mammalian Testis
15: Mammalian Ovary
16: Blood of Man (Mammal)
17: V.S. of Skin of a Mammal
18: T.S. of Spinal Cord of a Mammal
Viva Voce

B.Sc. Zoology Students

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