Author : Dr. P S Hemne & C L Arora
Price : 375.00 300.00
This book has been conceptualized as per the recommended National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 and as per syllabus prescribed by Universities of Uttarakhand for B. Sc. Students of Physics for the Second Semester. The textbook begins with coverage on Coulomb's law of electrostatic force and Gauss's theory. Also, concept of Electric Field, relation between Electric Intensity and Potential, Electric Flux, Faraday and Lenz's Law, Electric Dipole and Gauss's Law of Electrostatics are discussed in detail. Electric and Magnetic Fields in Matter, Polarization Vector, Clausius-Mossotti Relation, Steady and Varying Electric Currents, Growth and Decay in LCR Combination Circuits, a Magnetostatics and Time Varying Electromagnetic Fields, Maxwell's Equations are well described with suitable examples.
1. Coulomb's Law and Electric Field
2. Gauss's Law
3. Electrostatic Potential
4. Electric and Magnetic Fields in Matter
5. Electric Currents (Steady and Varying)
6. Magnetostatics
7. Electromagnetic Induction
8. A.C. Circuits
9. Electromagnetic Waves
1. Frequency of A.C. Mains
2. Melde's Experiment
3. Calibration of an ammeter by Potentiometer
4. Calibration of Voltmeter by Potentiometer
5. Specific Resistance by Carey-Foster's Bridge
6. Conversion of Galvanometer into an Ammeter
7. Conversion of Galvanometer into a Voltmeter
8. Variation of Magnetic Field
9. Electrochemical Equivalent
10. Comparison of Two Capacities by De-Sauty's Bridge
11. Ratio of Two Resistances by Potentiometer
12. Study of R-C and L-C-R Circuits
13. Self-inductance and Mutual Inductance
14. Magnetic Field by Search Coil and B.G.
15. Sonometers
This textbook has been specifically developed as per syllabus prescribed by Universities of Uttarakhand for B. Sc. Students of Physics for the Second Semester.
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