Author : R Murugeshan
Price : 350.00 280.00
For B.Sc. Physics Students of All Indian Universities
1. Impact of Elastic Bodies, 2. Projectile on Inclined Plane, Motion of Two Interacting Bodies and Bifilar Pendulum, 3. Centre of Gravity, 4. Hydrostatics, 5. Hydrodynamics, 6. Classical Mechanics, 7. Vector Analysis, 8. Matrices, 9. The Beta, Gamma Functions and Differential Equations, 10. Classical Mechanics-II, 11. Simple Harmonic Motion, 12. Matrices-II, 13. Centre of Mass, 14. Friction, 15. Laplace Transforms, 16. Electromagnetic Theory, 17. Statistics • Appendices: I. Kater's Reversible Pendulum, II. General Equation of Continuity in Three Dimensions, III. Problems Selected from University Examination Q__u_e_st_io_n_ _P_a_p_e_r_s
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