Part A: Mathematical Physics
UNIT I: Vector Calculus
1. Scalar And Vector Fields
UNIT II: Curvilinear Coordinates
2. Curvilinear Coordinate System
UNIT III: Dirac Delta Function
3. Dirac Delta Function Electromagnetic Waves
Part B: Mechanics
UNIT I: Reference Frames
4. Inertial and Non-Inertial Reference Frames
UNIT II: Gravitation and Central Force Motion
5. Motion Under Central Force
UNIT III: Conservation Laws
6. Dynamics of a System of Particles Lasers
UNIT IV: Dynamics of Rigid Bodies
7. Rigid Body Motion
UNIT V: Work and Energy
8. Work and Energy
UNIT VI: Oscillations
9. Simple Harmonic Motion
UNIT VII: Properties of Matter
10. Elasticity and Viscosity
1. Elastic Constants
2. Moment of Inertia by Torsional Oscillations
3. Acceleration Due to Gravity
4. Coefficient of Viscosity by Poiseuille's Method
5. Height of a Building by Sextant