Author : H K Dass, P S Hemne, Rajnish Verma, Rishabh Anand, Rama Verma & C L Arora
Price : 700.00 560.00
Unit I: Complex Plane and Functions
1. Algebra and Representation of Complex Numbers
2. Complex Plane, Stereographic Projection and Riemann Sphere
3. Limits and Continuity of Complex Functions
Unit II: Analytic Functions and Cauchy Riemann Equations
4. Differentiation of Complex Functions
5. Branch Cut and Branch of Multi-Valued Functionsma
Unit III: Power Series
6. Representation of a Function by Power Series
Unit IV: Conformal Representation
7. Transformation and Jacobian
Unit I: Statics
1. Equilibrium of a System of Particles
Unit II: Centre of Gravity and Common Catenary
2. Centre of Gravity and Catenary
Unit III: Rectilinear Motion
3. Rectilinear Motion
Unit IV: Kinematics and Kinetics of The Motion
4. Motion in a Plane
1. Linear Programming: Applications and Model Formulation
2. Linear Programming: The Graphical Method
3. Linear Programming: The Simplex Method
4. Duality in Linear Programming
5. Transportation Problem
6. Assignment Problem
7. Theory of Simplex Method
8. Revised Simplex Method
9. Dual-Simplex Method
10. Bounded Variables LP Problem
11. Pre-Study for Operations Research
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