1. Introduction, 2. Schools of Management Thought, 3. Principles Underlying the Process of Management, 4. Elements of the Management Process, 5. Planning, 6. Objectives, 7. Managers and their External Environment, 8. Innovation in Library Environment, 9. Pattern of Organizational Systems, 10. Relationship of the Library to the Parent Body, 11. Staffing, 12. Human Relations in Staffing, 13. Reporting, 14. Library Finance, 15. Library Budget, 16. Planning of a Library Building, 17. Book Selection (Routine), 18. Book Order, 19. Accessioning, 20. Processing, 21. Circulation Section, 22. Charging Systems, 23. Library Rules, 24. Maintenance Work, 25. Periodical Publications, 26. Statistics, 27. Annual Report • Index