Part-I: Conceptual Foundations: 1. Management Information Systems: An Overview, 2. Information, Systems and Organization Concepts, 3. Information Systems and Competitive Advantage, Part-II: Information Technologies: 4. Information Technology Infrastructure and Emerging Technology, 5. Data Resource Management, 6. Telecommunications and Computer Networks, Part-III: Business Applications of IS: 7. E-Commerce, E-Business and E-Governance, 8. Enterprise Systems, 9. Decision Support Systems, Part-IV: Management of IS: 10. Information System Planning, 11. Is Choices and System Acquisition, 12. Is Development and Project Management, 13. Information Requirements Analysis & System Design, 14. Is Implementation and Change Management, 15. Evaluation and Maintenance of IS, Part-V: Security, Ethical and Social Issues: 16. Is Security and Control, 17. Ethical and Social Issues of ISS