Part-I: Law of Contract: 1. Nature and Kinds of Contracts, 2. Offer and Acceptance, 3. Consideration, 4. Capacity of Parties, 5. Free Consent, 6. Legality of Object and Consideration, 7. Void Agreements, 8. Performance of Contracts, 9. Quasi-Contracts, 10. Discharge of Contract, 11. Remedies for Breach of Contract, 12. Indemnity and Guarantee, 13. Bailment and Pledge, 14. Agency, Part-II: Law of Sale of Goods: 15. Contract of Sale of Goods, 16. Conditions and Warranties, 17. Transfer of Property, 18. Performance of Contract of Sale, 19. Rights of Unpaid Seller, Part-III: Law of Partnership: 20. Definition and Nature of Partnership, 21. Formation of Partnership, 22. Rights, Duties and Liabilities of Partners, 23. Dissolution of Partnership Firm, Part-IV: Law of Limited Liability Partnership: 24. Limited Liability Partnership (LLP): 25. Nature and Incorporation of LLP, 26. Partners and Their Relations: LLP, 27. Accounts, Audit and Taxation, 28. Winding Up and Dissolution, Part-V: Law of Negotiable Instruments: 29. Negotiable Instruments, 30. Parties to Negotiable Instruments, 31. Negotiation of Negotiable Instruments, 32. Dishonour and Discharge of Negotiable Instruments, 33. Crossing and Bouncing of Cheques, Part-VI: Law of Arbitration and Conciliation: 34. General Provisions Regarding Arbitration, 35. Arbitral Tribunal, 36. Arbitration Proceedings, 37. Conciliation, 38. Enforcement of Certain Foreign Awards, Part-VII: Law of Consumer Protection: 39. Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Part-VIII: Law of Information Technology (Cyber Law): 40. Information Technology Act, 2000, Part-IX: Company Law: 41. The Companies Act and Its Administration, 42. The Company: Its Nature and Kinds, 43. Incorporation of a Company, 44. Memorandum of Association, 45. Articles of Association, 46. Prospectus, 47. Allotment of Securities, 48. Shares and Share Capital, 49. Membership of Company, 50. Transfer and Transmission of Securities, 51. Depository System, 52. Calls and Forfeiture of Shares, 53. Company Management, 54. General Meetings and Resolutions, 55. Dividends, 56. Accounts, 57. Audit and Auditors, 58. Prevention of Oppression and Mismanagement, 59. Compromise, Arrangement and Amalgamation, 60. Winding Up, Part-X: Laws of Intellectual Property: 61. Patents Act, 1970, 62. Copyright Act, 1957, 63. Trade Marks Act, 1999, 64. Designs Act, 2000, Part-XI: Law of Foreign Exchange Management: 65. Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999, Part-XII: Competition Law: 66. Competition Act, 2002