1. What is Communication?, 2. Th e Need for Business Correspondence and its Importance, 3. Th e Characteristics of a Business Letter, 4. The Organisation, Structure and Layout of a Letter, 5. Enquries and Replies, Offers and Quotations Introduction, 6. Orders and Despatch, 7. Credit and Status Enquiries, 8. Complaints, Claims and Adjustments, 9. Collection Letters, 10. Sales Letters, 11. Circulars (Circular Letters), Notices and Memos, 12 Banking Correspondence, 13. Life Insurance (Assurance) Correspondence, 14. General Insurance (Fire Insurance), 15. General Insurance (Marine Insurance), 16. Agency Correspondence, 17. Correspondence of a Company Secretary (Letters to Directors, Shareholders, Registrar, Public, Meeting Notices, Agenda and Minutes), 18. Report Writing, 19. Miscellaneous Correspondence and Communication (Writing Applications, Letters to the Editor and Essays), 20. Personality, Public Speaking, Use of Audio-Visual Aids and Telephone Etiquette, 21. MIS (Management Information System)