Author : Jayashree Ghosh
Price : 750.00 600.00
The book will serve as a comprehensive guide and storehouse of knowledge. A set of questions based on different chapters is given in the end of the book to make the students memorize the contents quickly and easily.
1. Introduction 2. Classification And Nomenclature Of Drugs 3. Mechanism Of Drug Action And Metabolism Of Drugs 4. Causes Of Common Diseases And Merabolism Of Drugs Causes Of Common Diseases And Their Treatment By Drugs 5. Some Medicinally Important Inorganic Compounds 6. Biological Role Of Some Inorganic Compounds 7. Antibacterial Drugs 8. Antiseptics And Disinfectants 9. Anaesthetics 10. Analgesics, Antipyretic And Anti-Inflammatory Agents 11. Anti-Convulsant Agents 12. Diabetes And Hypoglycemic Drugs 13. Cancer And Antineoplastic Drugs 14. Vitamins 15. Psychopharmacology 16. Blood And Hae,Atological Agents 17. Crdio Vascular Drugs 18. Acquered Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (Aids) 19. Indian Medicinal Plants 20. Nutrients Digestion And Absorption 21. Enzymes 22. Hormones 23. Micro Nutrients And Their Biological Role 24. Milk And Milk Products 25. Polymer Chemistry (Gigantic Molecules) 26. Leather Chemistry 27. Soil Chemistry 28. Insecticides, Fungicides And Herbicides 29. Fertilizers 30. Manures, Compost And Saw Dust Appendix I Appendix Ii Questions References
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