Chapter 1 : Electric Charge and Field
- Charge and Its Properties
- Fundamental Properties of Charges
- Auxiliary Properties of Electric Charge
- Methods of Charging a Body
- Coulomb's Law
- Coulomb's Law in Vector form
- Electric Field
- Principle of Superposition of Electric Forces
- Electric Dipole
- Field at a Point on the Axial Line of Electric Dipole
- Field at a Point on the Equatorial Line of Dipole
- Field at Any Point Due to a Dipole
- Torque on Dipole in an Electric Field
- Electric Field Due to a Continuous Distribution
- Dielectric Polarization
- Electric Field Lines
- Characteristics of Field Lines
- Electric Flux
- Gauss' Law
- Electric Field Due to Some Simple Charged Conductors
- Electric Field in a Cavity Inside a Charged Conductor
Chapter 2 : Electric Potential and Capacitance
- Electrostatic Potential
- Potential Due to Charge Distribution
- Electric Potential Due to a Dipole
- Electric Potential Due to a Charged Spherical Conductor
- Electric Potential Due to an Insulating Sphere with a Uniform Volume Density of Charge ρ
- Electric Potential Due to a Uniformly Charged Ring
- Torque on a Dipole
- Work Done in Rotating a Dipole
- Potential Energy of a Dipole in a Uniform Field
- Period of Oscillation of a Dipole
- Equipotential Surface
- Potential Energy
- Capacitance
- Capacitance of a Spherical Conductor
- Capacitor
- Capacitance of Some Simple Capacitors
- Capacitors in Series
- Capacitors in Parallel
- Energy Stored in a Capacitor
- Dielectrics
- Dielectric Constant and Capacitance
- Types of Capacitors in Use
- Van de Graaff Generator
Chapter 3 : Electricity Current
- Electric Current and Flow of Electric Charges in a Metallic
- Ohm's Law, Electrical Resistances, Characteristics V-I
- Electrical Resistivity and Conductivity
- Current Density, Velocity and Mobility
- Carbon Resistors, Colour Code for Carbon Resistors
- Temperature Dependence of Resistance
- Series Combinations of Resistors
- Internal Resistance, Potential Difference and E.M.F. of a Cell
- Combination of Cells in Series and Parallel
- Electrical Energy and Electric Power
- Practical Units of Electric Energy in Terms of Power
- Kirchhoff's Law and its Applications
- Kirchhoff's Second Law or Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL)
- Applications of Kirchhoff's Law
- Wheatstone Bridge
- Metre Bridge
- Potentiometer
Chapter 4 : Moving Charges and Magnetism
- Magnetic Field
- Biot-Savart's Law
- Application of Biot-Savart Law
- Special Case for Current Carrying Wire
- Semicircular and Quarter of a Circle
- A loop as a magnet
- Ampere's Law
- Application of Ampere's Current Law
- Toroid
- Magnetic Field in Toroid
- Magnetic Lines and their Characteristics
- Cyclotron
Chapter 5 : Magnetism and Matter
- Magnetic Field/Magnetic Induction or Flux Density
- Magnetic Field Strength or Magnetizing Field
- Intensity of Magnetization (I or J)
- Magnetic Susceptibility
- Magnetic Permeability
- Para, Dia, Ferro-Magnetic Substances
- Paramagnetic Substances
- Diamagnetic Substances
- Ferromagnetic Substance
- Hysteresis Loop
- Energy Loss Due to Hysteresis
- Properties of Soft and Hard Materials
- Earth's Magnetic Field (Terrestial Magnetism)
- Components of Earth's Magnetic Field
- Angle of Declination (q)
- Angle of Dip or Inclination (d)
- Horizontal Component
- Bar Magnet
- At a Point on Equatorial Line (Broad side on Position)
- Force between Two Small Magnets
- Tangent Law
- Tangent Galvanometer
- Vibration Magnetometer
Chapter 6 : Electromagnetic Induction
- Laws of Electromagnetic Induction
- Methods of Changing Magnetic Flux Linked with the Coil
Chapter 7 : Alternating Current
- Alternating Current: An Introduction
- Mean Value of AC
- Root Mean Square or Virtual Value of AC (RMS Value)
- Smart Concept
- Impedance, Reactance and Admittance
- Reactance
- Admittance
- Phasor Diagrams and Phasors
- Impedances and Phases of AC Circuits Containing Different Elements
- AC Through a Pure Resistor
- AC Through a Pure Inductor
- AC Through a Pure Capacitor
- AC Through a Non-Ideal Inductor or Series LR Circuit
- AC Through a Non-Ideal Capacitor or Series CR Circuit
- AC Through a Series LC Circuit
- AC Through a Series LCR Circuit
- Average Power Consumed in an AC Circuit
- Wattless Current (Iv sin f)
- Half Power Frequencies (HPF), Band Width and Sharpness of Resonance
- Choke Coil
- Parallel Resonant Circuit
- The LCR Parallel Circuit
- Skin Effect
- Transformer
- Construction
- Step Up Transformer
- Step Down Transformer
- Long Distance Transmission of Electric Power
Chapter 8 : Electromagnetic Waves
- Introduction
- Maxwell's Displacement Current
- Maxwell's Equations
- Nature of Electromagnetic Waves
- Energy Density of Electromagnetic Waves
- Momentum of Electromagnetic Wave
- Radiant Flux of Electromagnetic Wave
- Poynting Vector
- Radiant Flux Density
- Properties of EM Waves
- EM Wave Spectrum
- Various Layers of Our Atmosphere
- Green House Effect
- Modulation and Demodulation
Chapter 9 : Ray Optics and Optical Instruments
- Reflection at a Spherical Surface
- Normal Shift
- Optical Fibre
- Prism
- Telescope
Chapter 10 : Wave Optics
- Synopsis
- Newton's Corpuscular Theory
- Huygens' Wave Theory
- Maxwell's Electromagnetic Theory
- Planck's Quantum Theory
- Interference
- Diffraction
- Polarization
Chapter 11 : Dual Nature of Radiation and Atom
- Dual Nature of Light
- Photoelectric Effect
- Threshold Frequency and Threshold Wavelength
- Einstein Relation
- Graph between Kmax and f
- Experimental Study of Photo Electric Effect
- Kinetic Energies of Electrons Reaching Anode
- Reversed Potential Across Discharge Tube
- Cut-Off Potential or Stopping Potential
- Effect of Change in Frequency of Light on Stopping Potential
- Force Due to Radiation (Photon)
Chapter 12 : Atom
- Thomson's Atomic Model
- Rutherford's Nuclear Atom
- The Bohr's Atomic Model
- Hydrogen Like Atoms
- de-Broglie Wavelength of Matter wave
Chapter 13 : NUCLEI
- Nuclear Physics
- Nuclear Characteristics
- Binding Energy Curve
- Nuclear Fission
- Nuclear Fusion
Chapter 14 : Semiconductor Electronics
- Introduction
- Valence Bond Description of Intrinsic Semiconductor
- Valence Bond Description of Extrinsic Semiconductor
- Energy band Description of Solids-Metals, Insulators and Semiconductors
- p-n Junction — Basic unit of all Semiconductor Devices
- Behaviour of P-N junction with an External Applied voltage or Bias Forward Bias
- Reverse Bias
- Voltage-Current (V-I) Characteristics of A p-n Junction Diode
- p-n Junction Devices
- Full Wave Rectifier
- Zener Diode
- Avalanche Diode
- Photonic p-n Junction Device (Photodiode)
- Solar Cell
- Construction of Solar Cell
- Light Emitting Diode (LED)
- Diode Laser
- Transistors
- Emitter
- Base
- Collector
- Basic Transistor Circuit Configuration and Transistors Characteristics
- Transistor as an Amplifier (CE‑Configuration)
- Transistor as an Oscillator
- Digital Electronics and Logic Gates
- Diode OR Gate
- AND Gate
- NOT Gate
- NOR Gate
- NAND Gate
- Integrated Circuits