Author : S. Chand Experts
Price : 500.00 400.00
Smart Question Bank (MCQs) for CUET-UG for English and Hindi comprises comprehensive
sets of questions accompanied by answers, based on the latest syllabus structure set by the National Testing Agency (NTA). This book caters to Section-IA (Language group) of the CUET-UG examination. The UGC and NTA documents state that questions will be asked in English and Hindi on Reading Comprehension (gadyansh in Hindi) comprising Literary Aptitude and Verbal Ability. In Reading Comprehension, the passages are Factual, Narrative and Literary. Therefore, many Comprehension Passages with MCQs are being provided in the book for you to practice them diligently and prepare your self for the upcoming examination.
• Strictly developed as per the syllabus as mandated by the NTA
• 1100+ MCQs for practice
• Content developed by experienced teachers and content experts
• Preface
• Examination's Structure for CUET (UG)-2022
1: Verbal Ability and Language Aptitude: Antonyms
2: Verbal Ability and Language Aptitude: Synonyms
3: Verbal Ability and Language Aptitude: One-word Substitution
4: Verbal Ability and Language Aptitude: Word-Meaning
5: Verbal Ability and Language Aptitude: Use of Appropriate Words
6: Verbal Ability and Language Aptitude: Spotting Errors (Grammatical Errors)
7: Comprehension Passages
8: Literary Aptitude
भाग-2 हिन्दी भाषा
• प्रस्तावना
• बोधगम्यता-I
• बोधगम्यता-II
• अपठित गद्यांश
• सामान्य हिन्दी
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