
Book Categories

Computer Applications (IX & X) - Course Code 165

Computer Applications (IX & X) - Course Code 165

The series COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (For Classes  9 & 10 ) has been designed to assist the students in achieving the learning outcomes of the latest curriculum laid down by the CBSE.

  1. Based on the new syllabus of Computer Applications (Code No. 165) by CBSE.
  2. Precise content and language makes the book easy to comprehend
  3. Multicolour printing makes the book look more realistic and appealing for the student
  4. Engaging and informative Lab Exercises in the books are based on real life examples which furthermore integrate other subjects of the curriculum 
  5. The methodical content of the book motivates students and arouse their interest towards Information Technology 
  6. Each chapter in the book has an introduction, a recap section, learning outcomes and links of the websites for reference
  7. Makes appropriate use of snapshots to present concepts in a simple and child friendly manner

Coursebooks, web support

Computer Applications for Class IX

Sharad Tiwari
  • 535.00 428.00

S Chand ICSE Computer Applications Class IX Book 1

Dr. Dheeraj Mehrotra
  • 375.00

Computer Applications for Class X

Sharad Tiwari
  • 470.00 423.00

S Chand ICSE Computer Applications Class X Book 2

Dr. Dheeraj Mehrotra
  • 540.00
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